Home Decor Tips for the Monsoon Season

Home Decor Tips for the Monsoon Season
monsoon decor ideas - flats in trivandrum - favourite homes

Though the monsoon season means different things to different people, it’s definitely a time of rejuvenation, a time when the world becomes sparkly clean and vibrant green again. Since more time is spent indoors during the rainy days, it’s the perfect time for you to spend in brightening up your home’s décor and rejuvenate its looks too! Here is a look at some home upgrades to infuse more colour and joy into your home:


Changes in season are the best time to de-clutter your home to suit the climate. Clear out unused things and create space to spread out the furniture. This will ensure they don’t absorb moisture from the walls or create habitats for mouldy growths.


Go with light-textured drapes that allow sunlight to seep in and don’t hold onto moisture for long and make the room smell musty. This is also the best time to change the shade of your sofa covers with bright pops of colours that will take away the dreariness of the weather outside.

Wall Paint

The best and easiest way to give your room a makeover is with a fresh lick of paint. It doesn’t cost much but creates a dynamic change to the decor. You could create accent walls with brighter tones or special-effects patterned designs for a high-end look.


Bright lighting helps perk up sombre moods brought on by long evenings stuck indoors during the monsoons. Place strategically-located standing lamps, table lamps or string lights and make your room look bright, cosy and inviting.


Nature has inspired interior décor designs right from its heydays. Indoor plants look artistic and add more elegance to any room they are in. There are so many varieties of indoor plants to choose from too – succulents, climbers, cactus, evergreens or seasonal bloomers! And they make great conversation starters too!

Cosy Nook

Create a cosy nook by a window with enough natural light where you can curl up comfortably on plush cushions and watch the rain splatter down. Relax and unwind as you indulge in a good read and a steaming cup of chai!

You can get more creative and add some scented candles, a vase of fresh flowers or just play your favourite songs!