How to Baby-Proof Your House

How to Baby-Proof Your House
Childproofing Checklist - Favourite Homes

The birth of a baby into the family is a major event, a complete game-changer. The entire household shifts gears and starts to revolve around the newest entrant in their lives. However, baby’s aren’t just the cutest things alive, but also very curious! They are bound to start nosing around in every accessible corner once they gain the ability to crawl or toddle around.

Before that event happens, you need to take a good look around your home and check out all the possible loopholes where your child could get himself or herself into trouble. After all, the safety of your child is the most important thing for a parent.

Home is full of dangers in every corner, starting with the electrical sockets, to cleaning products to floor plants, etc. Before your mind goes into a tailspin of worry, here’s a list of tips to baby-proof or childproof your home and prevent accidental injuries.

Living room

Before your child starts crawling, you need to change all your sockets to childproof sockets. You will need to tie-up or tape-down any exposed electrical wires too. You also have to be vigilant and keep sharp objects or small objects like pins or buttons that can be swallowed away from the floor. Keep indoor plants off the floor as some are poisonous.

Install safety gates at the top and bottom of your staircase and avoid placing furniture close to windows. Hang your TV on the wall for a change and cushion all the sharp corners of your furniture.


The under-the-sink kitchen cabinet where you store all your cleaning supplies is a magnet for small kids. Keep them latched or locked. Keep the oven door always locked too and get safety knob covers for your stove to stop your kid fiddling with them. And finally, don’t leave things on the floor.


First of all, ensure that your baby never accidentally locks themselves in the bathroom. Secondly, ensure a toilet lid lock. Aside from these, never leave water standing in the tub or bucket as babies don’t need much water to drown.

Keep your bathrooms cleaning supplies out of reach too, by always keeping the cabinet locked. Use non-slip mats to keep your baby safe. And if you store your medicines and cosmetics in the bathroom, then keep them out of reach.


Get rid of all extra bumpers, blankets and cushioning from the baby’s crib as they present a choking hazard. Also, use cordless baby monitors. Remove hanging toys and anything with long strings or cables once your child starts moving.

Finally, look for any other ways to keep your baby safe!